Rife Resonant Frequency Clinic
Eleni (Elaine) Witehira
I have had Polmalgia Rheumatica for a year and have suffered constant pain, uncontrollable inflammation levels, bad lungs as well as all the side effects from steroids. I had 6 trips to hospital. It was so bad I was preparing for death.
I met Ken in the street. He invited me to his house as he had a Rife Machine. After one hour sitting in front of his machine I lost 85% of my pain and now have my life back. I have had 4 sessions with him and now have my own Rife Machine.
It's not only how I feel but how shocked my family and friends are that have first hand seen the dramatic change in my health.
Thank you Ken,
Because of you and your machine nothing short of a miracle has occurred in my life. I would be happy to share my story with anyone.
Shona Clark Tennis Elbow
All pain went from my left elbow after 2 sessions. My elbow had been painful for approximately 3 months.
Lexie Pene Arthritis in both knees
I can't believe how pain free my knees are after two sessions. The first night I didn't know the machine was on, but my knee stopped aching. This has remained pain free for months now.
Thanks Ken for your support and understanding in whatever pain people have.
Kia ora
Lyndon Gold Food Allergy
I am allergic to raw fruit and veges. After one trip to see ken and one treatment I was able to eat bananas with no side effects. I am now purhcasing a small machine from Ken so I can continue my treatment from home. I am sure the Rife machine will help my allergies.
Neil Gamble
Ken treated me for gout which I have had for 12 years and I am completely free of it. I have purchased a machine to treat my asthma and sinus problems.
Brent Lucas 8/3/16
Ken has treated me for gout on this day. I have felt instant relief during this appointment. The gout has given me such trouble for the last 8 years. I have never had such short relief of pain. Look forward to seeing results in the following days.
To Whom It May Concern
I had severe pain in my lower abdomen for 5 months which required me to place heated wheat bags on my lower stomach whenever I sat down and at least three times during the night.
After two MRI scans and one CT scan the problem was diagnosed as a cancer growth in my vagina which was growing onto my bladder and there were small polyps in my bowel.
I was told that the specialists would see me and describe the treatment in about 4 weeks time.
I knew of Ken's Rife machine and he set it up beside my bed. After the first night I had no more severe pain and I have now been using it for three weeks without having to resort to the heated wheat bags as there is only a discomfort and I can enjoy a good nights sleep.
Shirley Stevenson
Lynne Teasdale
Thanks Ken and his Rife
I have had psoriasis for approximately 15 years. When it first appeared I went to my Doctor. i spent the next 3 years trying different creams and ointments. None made much of a difference.
Then I went to a naturopath. I changed my diet and drunk the horrible tasting concoctions I was given. After 2 years of this my psoriasis was no better.
When Ken asked if I would let him treat my psoriasis with his rife machine, I had no hesitation, as I knew that Ken was the type of person who would have done his homework.
Ken and his rife machine have changed my life. In a very short period of time my psoriasis improved dramatically. I have my own rife machine now and my psoriasis has gone completely in some places and is barely perceivable in others. The arthritis pain that accompanied my psoriasis went after the first two weeks of rife treatment and has not returned.
This summer I wore shorts for the first time in years.
I would be happy to talk to anyone.
Read Rife Testimonials from Rife Centre Christchurch http://www.rife4life.co.nz/testimonial.htm
Janette-Hore McDonald
Erythema Nodosum
Ken treated me for Erythema Nodosum. I had the rife machine placed in my house for one week. The symptoms I possessed were red, blotchy rashes on my legs, swollen ankles and legs and I was in a great deal of pain. There was also stiffness and tightness moving up my back and in most of my joints. I was unable to walk.
After the first couple of days of treatment I noticed a reduced amount of swelling and pain which allowed me to gradually get back on my feet. I also noticed that I was getting a better nights sleep and in fact the whole family were sleeping better.
Now that the week is up I will have a break, but will do another treatment in a few day.
Thank you Ken for getting me back on my feet.
I look forward to further improvements.
Thanks Janette